If this is not cleaned, it is because an error sometimes occurs and if it appears as dirty we have to delete the localtumbcache file that is in documents, eletronic Arts and The Sims 4, we must do a repair by starting the source client, we go to the game library to search for it, and we enter with right click to repair, certainly this helps in the error, but in such case we have to be corrected with an EA patch. The Sims 4 Cottage Living How To Wash A Dirty Chicken

How To Clean Chicken Coop In Sims 4 Cottage Living.TS4 Chickens: The Ultimate Guide on Cleaning and Caring For Them.Sims 4 Cottage Living: How to clean your chickens.The Sims 4: How to Clean Chickens in Cottage Living.The Sims 4 Cottage Living How To Wash A Dirty Chicken.